From Farm to Field
The leaves are changing, there’s a nip in the air, and autumn has arrived. It’s a great time to celebrate good food and drink and discover produce directly from the source. Nkuku HQ is slap bang in the middle of the South Hams, and we are spoilt for choice with the abundance of local produce on offer from dedicated local producers. It is impossible for us not to get swept up with the autumn harvest and all the delights it brings. We’ve put together some of our kitchen storage and serve ware ideas to help store and display all that fruit and veg and added some delicious recipes too!
We’re starting with our Bahima wire storage baskets and some of Riverford’s mouthwatering beetroot brownies.
Beetroot Brownies
250g dark chocolate, the higher the cocoa % the better
200g unsalted butter, cut into cubes
250g cooked beetroot
3 eggs
1 drop vanilla extract
200g caster/fine white sugar
50g cocoa powder
50g rice flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
100g ground almonds
Melt together chocolate and butter. Remove from heat and put to one side. Puree the cooked beetroot in food processor. Add the eggs one at a time, followed by the vanilla and sugar, and mix until smooth. Put to one side. Next, sift the cocoa, rice flour and baking powder and stir in the ground almonds. Stir the melted chocolate mixture into the beetroot mixture, then fold in the dry ingredients. Use a baking parchment to line a rectangular tin. Pour in the mixture and place in an oven preheated to 180c/gas mark 4. Bake for 30-35 minutes, until just firm to the touch. Do not overcook; a skewer inserted into the center should come out slightly sticky. Leave to cool and cut into squares.

Our beautiful Indus bowls are hand made from sustainable mango wood and they look great filled with fruit or veg. The following recipe is very easy and a great winter warmer.
Butternut Squash Soup
1 large squash
2 large sweet potatoes
1 red onion
2 cloves of garlic
Vegetable or chicken stock
Coconut milk (optional)
Roast one whole squash and two large sweet potatoes until soft and gooey. In a saucepan softly brown 1 red onion in butter and 2 cloves of garlic. Add the slow roasted squash and sweet potato and pour over a good covering of chicken or vegetable stock. Add some salt and pepper and simmer for 20 minutes. Puree and serve with gratings of parmesan. For a smoother taste, add some coconut milk.

Our Mango wood pizza boards are great for serving antipasti and pizza’s as well as Chinese gooseberries and artichokes! Here is another delicious Riverford recipe using globe artichokes, olive oil and potatoes.
Globe Artichokes with Potatoes
Trim the base and remove the coarse outer leaves. Trim off the top third if they seem tough or your guests/family are fussy. Put in a baking tray and mix, rub and squeeze liberally with olive oil and salt and pepper to get the oil into the center of the artichokes.
Roast for about one hour, turning occasionally, or until a sharp knife can be pushed into the side easily.
Combine with potatoes that have been cut to a similar size and roasted separately, and serve.